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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Visit Rome reveal one amazing architecture of the life of a modern lively Eternal City, which saw the rise of many empires and Fall

London: Abdul Karim al-Haj
According to mythology, Anceet the city of Rome in the twenty-first of the month of April in 753 BC by the twin «Romlos» and «Remus», the two sons of «March» war machine when the ancient Romans. In a moment of anger Romlos killed his brother Remus and proclaimed himself the first king of the city of Rome. Regardless of the validity of the myth is the fact that the city is already established in the first millennium BC and has evolved from a small village to the «City State». And the expansion of the rule of Rome and extended from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the banks of the Euphrates River in the east and included all the lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea, which the Romans called «Mare Nostrum» any mare nostrum.
The story of the rise and dissolution of the Empire Romania exciting and full of tragic events and immortalized the history of emperors who thirst for blood «Nero» Terrible (5468 m), «Koumados» (180 192 m) and the mad emperor «Caligula» (3741 m). In spite of the harshness of some of the emperors of Rome, however, continued to climb and remained the capital of the empire to the emperor that he «Dikolian» dividing the empire into two Romanian Western Empire and its capital Rome and the Byzantine Empire and its capital, Constantinople. Since then, Rome began to decline and landing. By the sixth century AD ruled epidemics and diseases most of the city's population and a population of about seventy thousand after that was over a million people.
With the rise of Christianity and the rise Sultan popes city regained some of its historical significance and recover. During the reign of Pope Gregory I (590 604 m), which encouraged the publication of Christianity in Europe have returned the money pouring down on the city from the new adherents of the Christian religion, and exchange Gregory I and later popes of these funds to rebuild Rome. Despite a period of decline during the fourteenth century, when the transfer of the Holy See to the city of Avignon continued popes in construction projects and sought each and every one of them to excel the predecessors and perpetuate his name in the history facility architecture, and has benefited the city of Renaissance artists who participated a lot of them in the building architectural antiques, and most notably was absolutely Michelangelo, who spent four full years in the roof of the Church of drawing «cysteine​​» Vatican.
And receded strength and powers of the popes during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that stormed the city Commander of the National Italian «Giuseppe Graybalde» who unified Italy in 1870 and the imposition of house arrest on the Pope. And immediately declared the city the capital of the Italian state and the nascent monument «Vittorio Emanuele first» king of the country. And continued to the property in 1945 when World War II ended and announced the Italian Republic, but Rome remained the capital of the country and the pulsating heart of civilization to Italy.
* American novelist «Mae Coty» said «I Slaptna Rome all conceit, because I after I saw that I felt little wonders». Do not let the feelings of all visitors to the Eternal City to such a degree, but can not anyone visiting Rome for the first time does not stand amazed in front of architecture and Roaúaha art and history, stunning city that should be had too many and it is not possible counted on one page, however, we Snarj the most important of the anyway ..
It may be «Alkoluseo» or Roman theater Rome's most famous landmarks, this huge building located in the heart of the city built by Emperor «Titus» eighty calendar year and allocated to the bloody games Dazzling Kmassarah fighters to death, and Romanian armies fighter prisoners to wild beasts to the public. And accommodates «Alkolsao» for more than eighty thousand spectators. The building was the scene of many bloody stories, where the defeated gladiator was killed or thrown to the beasts in front of the fierce public acclaim. And «Alkoluseo» is open to the public to visit between the hours of nine in the morning to seven o'clock in the evening during the summer months. The price of the ticket about 10 euros. For reservations call could be: 003967005469. and just a few steps from «Alkoluseo» There is the Roman Forum «Foro Romano» which is the old city center, where there were temples, municipalities and city markets. The greatest impact of this region, the Arc de Triomphe named «Arco de Settimo Spfbero» and was built in 205 AD to commemorate the victory of the Romans «Albarthanian», as there are in the region of the Senate of the Empire Romania «Korea», and was the center of decision-making during the era of the Republic of the empire Romania, and there is also a mansion virgins «Vistali», six nuns and they were doing to keep the fire burning in the Temple «Vista». And access to the forum is free but there is a tariff of 10 euros entry hill «Palatino» neighboring palaces where the Roman emperors. The availability of the hill a great location to see the city of Rome.
The city of Rome ruins undoubtedly Most devastating effects of partial complex is that the gods «Parthenon» in the yard «Rotunda» still in good condition but fantastic. The complex built in 270 AD by «Marcus Ariba» as a temple to the gods of the Olympics, and fully rebuilt after a hundred years by the Emperor Hadrian. And about the year 609 AD to the Catholic Church. Qatar and the Dome of the Parthenon 43 meters which is equivalent to building height, which makes it a miracle of engineering techniques compared to the era of its construction. And free access to the building is open to visitors between nine in the morning to six-thirty pm from Monday to Wednesday, and from nine o'clock am to one pm on Sundays.
Featuring Rome Bassahatha elegant but the most beautiful Sahta «Dell Kambidouglao» designed by «Michelangelo» Square «Novna», more yards Rome vitality and banging the movement of people, which is surrounded by the effects of architecture built by artists «Gian Lorenzo Parini» and «Francesco Boromana» and lived both in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and fired style «Baroque» artwork.
It is important squares Spanish arena, where there is the so-called Spanish degrees, a center where young people of both sexes, where Taatbah beautiful display Osloppen in choosing clothes and wearing them. In the arena is also the home by the poet, who died «John Keats» in 1821, and the house is now a museum that combines some of the holdings «Kitts» and a number of poets Romantikyin. In the Spanish league and also one of the most beautiful fountains of Rome, Fountain «Trevi» where tourists wishing security and throw coins fountain basin. The fountain was designed in 1732 by artist «Nicola Salvi».
Vatican City
* Oddity Rome that its lively independent state and a free-standing Vatican. Vatican City and became an independent country, according to the Convention «lattern» in 1929, and the agreement stated that the Catholic Christianity the official state religion of Italy. The area of ​​the Vatican about 0.44 square kilometers and a population of 880 people, and thus the smallest nations of the world at all.
At the heart of the Vatican City St. Peter's Basilica, the most important Catholic churches as a whole, and one up to the church across serious beautiful pass through St. Peter's Square. And access to the church requires to stand in long queues because of the large number of tourists, and the coolest thing about magnitude add to the beauty of the inside of the dome, and the dome decorated with quill «Michelangelo».
The church was built on the tomb of St. Peter. And the beauty of the church from the inside due in large part to the efforts of «Michelangelo» who made everything possible to make them immortal masterpiece. Many of the effects of the masterpieces of the Vatican Archives and the Museum of the city created by the Pope «Julius II» in the sixteenth century. The museum houses a lot of textiles, manuscripts, artifacts and paintings, which are priceless, graphics artists «Kravajew» and «Davenca» and «Titian». However, the greatest thing in the works of art from the Vatican frescoes of Michelangelo and his drawings particularly striking on the roof of the Church of «cysteine​​» which is considered the most important works of Christian art at all.
And thousands of tourists visit the church every day and so it is preferred to attend early to avoid congestion. During the summer months, the Vatican Museum opens its doors to visitors from eight thirty in the morning to the third and forty-five minutes in the afternoon from Monday to Friday and the second ten and forty-five minutes on Saturdays, and the price per ticket 12 euros.
Shopping If you're a fan of Italian dressing, the Spanish league is the best place to shop and follow the fashion. Include exhibitions in the arena boutiques «Emporio Armani» and «Valentino» and «Gucci».
It masterpieces shopping in small shops in Rome alleys that sell not what comes to mind. There are in addition to the clothing stores, antique shops and collectibles, especially on both sides of serious «Korunari», in front of the food is tasty Fagda visitor in the vicinity of «Campo de Fiori».
* Rome is the capital of cafes in Europe, where it is not without serious or yard in the city of cafes, which then stops the city's population to eat ice cream, coffee or Italian Btnoaatha different such as coffee and iced «cappuccino». The cafes are advised to visit the uniqueness are: Sant Eustchio cafe is located cafe Square «St Astacheo», and his phone number is 003966861309. and is located behind the cafe «Parthenon» directly. It is believed that this cafe serves the best Italian coffee at all, especially for those who love mascara.
Pasticceria Farnese cafe is located Boulevard «Pollari» and phone number 003966880215. center and lovers loving, wonderful cafe during daylight hours as it is a beautiful evening, where patrons sat to watch the passers-by in the square in front of him.
* Italians love food undoubtedly, Italian cuisine and world-class reputation, and so it's not surprising to have a lot of Rome restaurants offering delicious Italian cuisine as traditional. The Italian meal consisted of five full «courses», «Ante Bacto» Appetizers, «Primo» dish first, «Segundo» second dish, «Kontourna» side dish and «Dolce» sweetener. And one can not complete the «Courses» five unless he was hungry too! The most important advice for those who wanted to enjoy the food in Rome is to avoid places frequented by tourists as the prices very overpriced, but it is necessary to eat at places frequented by residents of Rome understand knowledgeable Bmtabkhha. And restaurants that are worth had:
La Rosetta
* This restaurant is the most important kitchen seafood Italian cooked by traditional methods, and the service it as the food which offers fantastic, and the atmosphere inside the beautiful but relaxed, and the restaurant is located near the «Parthenon», not possible to eat it before booking in advance and is closed on Sundays. Phone number: 0,039,668,308,841.
* Faces his nom de completely, one of the most romantic restaurants in the world, according to foreign magazines, and is characterized by unique location overlooking the center of the Italian capital, as provided by the Food and delicious delicacies, and a capacity of about two hundred people, and pre-booking is essential. Phone Number: 003 966 873 233.
* There are a few hotels that offer Accommodation at reasonable prices in the center of Rome because of the terrible demand from the huge numbers of tourists. And most of the city's hotels are concentrated near the main train station, which is not the most beautiful or Omnatq Rome. The hotel rates are cheaper during the winter months, as the price decreases as one moved away from the city center.
To the owners of the limited budget is an ideal hotel Albergo Abruzzi, hotel overlooks «Parthenon» is in the heart of Rome and therefore it is necessary to book in advance. The phone number for the owners 003966792021. budgets medium advised housing with Domus Tibernia features a location in the alleys of the old city, and its proximity to many of the best restaurants of Rome, as it is traditionally not a hotel, where he gives the impression of a group of luxury apartments. Phone Number: 003 965 813 648.
For owners of high budgets and advised His Excellency excessive housing in DE Russi hotel, which is located in the center of the old heart is a verse in the extravagance. Phone number: 0,039,632,888,888.

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